Meanwhile this came in the mail today
Now there is a new generation political party, which will help you if you-
are not getting passport , driving license, LPG connection in time.
are being harassed by officers for bribe..
find roads damaged or your locality littered with garbage.
In fact, you can get help for anythhing related to government services and these services are absolutely free.
Post your complaints with Jago Party and they will act upon your complaint and get your problems solved! As of date, they have helped thousands of citizens get their grievances resolved. Read success stories.
Jago Party has been floated by non-political citizens with the common aim to remove crime, corruption and reservation from India!
Their main policies are:
Reservation for none, job to all by free English education.
Hang corrupt & rapists. Judgment in 3 months.
24 hours electricity & comfortable train journey by privatization.
Each voter will get Rs. 800 per month, in lieu of subsidies.
Best regards,
Priya Gupta