Length is not necessarily a good thing
It seems I have scared many, many people off with that 2700 odd word behemoth below. Sigh. No matter. That post had it coming anyway... While I get back to writing and editing and so on, I recommend a little segue to the latest piece in rediff:
The entire Indian media machine made you feel like a traitorous anti-national fiend if you did not pick up your cellphone and immediately vote for the Taj. It was almost as if you were Chetan Sharma after that dreadful ball.
Headlines blared:
"Vote for the TAJ now! SMS TAJSCAM to 2323 now to register your vote! Be a proud Indian! Help us improve our top line this year! No we are kidding! It is all about patriotism!"
Millions fell for it. The Taj Mahal was voted to the top seven and immediately loud celebrations began all over India in homes of people working in the cellphone and television industry.
More here -> Are you bugged by SMS polls? Vote now!