What We Remember (feat. Downloadable Masters Essay)


Around this time last year, as some of you may be aware, I enrolled in a Masters program at Birkbeck College in London. For some years now I had nurtured this plan of going back to college and learning something entirely new—maybe History or Design or some such. But mostly history. And then last summer I was spurred into actually taking my applications seriously after running into a Twitter acquaintance who has since become a good friend. This doctoral student at Warwick University told me to stop wasting my time and immediately email professors all over London.

One thing led to another and by August 2015 I had admissions to the MA History course at UCL and the MA Historical Research course at Birkbeck. Both, obviously, as a part-time student. (Not that the full-time course was impossible. It is just that I didn’t want to take a risk. I am an Indian journalist you see. It has been years since I did any actual work. So I decided to complete my MA over a less hectic 24-month period.)

I finally chose Birkbeck and have had the time of my life ever since. It has been very challenging. The average class requires some 200 pages of reading and plenty of thinking. And this is if you just restrict yourself to the compulsory readings. Optional readings often run into hundreds of pages more. Per lecture. Crazy. There are no examinations to pass, thankfully, as each module is evaluated via the submission of a 5000-word essay.

Which is what I wanted to blog about in the first place.

For my first module, on the theories and methods of historical research, I submitted an essay on the declassifications of Soviet archives on the Space Program and the Nazi-Soviet Pact. How did these declassifications take place? How did Russians receive these declassifications? How did they react afterwards?

(Why did I choose this topic? Two reasons. There was an excellent exhibition on the Soviet Space Program taking place at the Science Museum when I was choosing topics. And secondly the Netaji Bose files were being debated at the time. Click. Click.)

You can download and read the essay PDF here. I am happy to report that essay was marked well and I passed the module.

But ever since the essay I have been fascinated by a particular aspect of post-Soviet life in Russia: public memory and collective memory. How do Russians, old and young, process their past history?

No-one, I think, has asked this question better than Nobel Laureate Svetlana Alexievich. Her latest book is Secondhand Time. Lithub ran an excerpt from the book this week:

“So here it is, freedom! Is it everything we had hoped it would be? We were prepared to die for our ideals. To prove ourselves in battle. Instead, we ushered in a Chekhovian life. Without any history. Without any values except for the value of human life—life in general. Now we have new dreams: building a house, buying a decent car, planting gooseberries… Freedom turned out to mean the rehabilitation of bourgeois existence, which has traditionally been suppressed in Russia. The freedom of Her Highness Consumption. Darkness exalted. The darkness of desire and instinct—the mysterious human life, of which we only ever had approximate notions. For our entire history, we’d been surviving instead of living.”

You can read more here. You can also read an interview with Alexievich here.

I cannot wait to read Secondhand Time.

Anyway… more on the MA and my experiences going back to university in future posts. Cheers chaps.

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  • Hello sir, kindly read through, its imperative for the public good.

    I have no intention of being featured as a "psycho comment troll" of the fame of the "spank slave" lore, nor be measured in units of maximus, although, I am vaguely certain that, all commenters start with a certain centi-maximus quota.

    Your podcast of "a new republic" which as you would know has its own cult following was chanced upon me one sunny day some 2-3 years ago, when I promised myself to go through it the first chance I get.

    Engineering student that I am, that chance didn’t present itself. However, I am at those crossroads in my life where it seems ‘imperative’ to re-draw the past to make the narrative more readable.
    Long story short, your episodes number 1 to 5 are plain missing and there doesn’t seem to be any trace of them on the wonderful ‘net’, as evidenced by a preliminary(but comprehensive) google search.

    I hope against hope that you scourge through the plains of the commentland.

    -in the quest for knowledge,
    citizen of the republic.

    It would be very kind of you if you also agree to counsel me on the pursuit of history, as I am a fresh engineering graduate out of college, and afflicted with the love for humanities, and would be benefited with correspondence from your experience.
    However. Ignore this- but you NEED to provide the podcasts, I beseech you in the name of the republic. cue:smile
    I am willing to share my contact details if you can take the afore requested time out.
    Thank you.

  • While writing the essay for first module, did you happen to come across any Netaji files from the soviet declassification?

    • Not really. Mostly because instead of looking for specific files I was studying the general act of declassification itself and how it impacted scholarship. Though I think in general after a bief period of opening up Russian archives have now hunkered down again. So the initia enthusiasm has severely dampened.

  • One thing led to another, great piece of writing. I was looking for something historical that can be posted on my website (http://tumsenahopayga.com).
    Surely gonna post about this, i’ll mention the source as well, whatay.com.
    Credits to you, man. Thanks…

  • I am strictly of the opinion that graduates of the Indian MBA programs particularly the higher ranked ones must not write until they learn how to read or even better, not write at all. You are the ONLY ONE who consistently tests – even in the most insignificant blog posts- this opinion. Congratulations on your degree. Maybe Dipesh Chakrabarty of the University of Chicago might inspire you to take up a doctorate as he too graduated from an IIM and took the rare path.

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