

Today is Remembrance Day in the United Kingdom. So I thought I’d write a little post.

It is only in the last half decade or so that I really began directing some proportion of my lifelong interest in history, historical places and historical documents towards my own country of origin. For some reason–and some blame must be apportioned to the substance and style of my school history curriculum–I’d always been more interested in the military history of the Second World War, the Roman Empire, Byzantium and, more recently, the history of the British Isles. (All in a vague, amateur way of course. Just enough to do well in quizzes.)

In the last five or six years this has changed substantially. The books of John Keay, William Dalrymple, Abraham Eraly and Ram Guha have really opened my eyes to the limitless wonders of India’s ancient, classical and modern history. (Before you leave enraged comments about Guha or Eraly, please give my ability to critically appraise what I read a little bit of credit.) And through them I’ve discovered other sources, authors and entirely new ways of thinking of Indian history. Access to the British Library since I moved to London has helped to slather on a foot-thick layer of information icing on my curiosity cake. The India resources are tremendous

Which is why I’ve become something of a painful bore these days during parties and get-togethers. Someone will ask me about what I am working on. Holycowabunga! I will instantly embark on long lectures on some intriguing little by-lane of Indian history that I may have stumbled across previously.

It is unreasonable, of course, to expect most people to know historical minutiae about the Hindu-German Conspiracy or the Anusilan Samiti or the Goan Inquisition and so on. But there are two elements of India’s history the widespread unawareness of which always surprise me:

  1. The Japanese occupation of the Andamans during the Second World War
  2. India’s substantial participation in the First World War

 At least 75% of Indian people I speak to have no idea the Japanese occupied the Andamans. And even fewer know how brutal the three-year long occupation was. The only book I have been able to source on this is Jayant Dasgupta’s Japanese in Andaman & Nicobar Islands: Red Sun over Black Water. It is a very short book that does little more than push the door ajar on a fascinating chapter of Indian history. The period deserves much greater coverage and analysis. I am not exactly sure why it remains ignored. Perhaps because it happened at the fringe of an irrelevant theatre of war and had very little participation from the countries that dominate popular WW2 historiography.

From an Indian perspective I’ve been told by some people that the Andaman occupation remains ignored because of two inconveniences. First, there were at least some Indians who collaborated with the Japanese brutality during the occupation. And two, it remains a somewhat controversial part of the history of the Indian National Army. Both tarnish a narrative of India’s participation and position during WW2 that has been carefully nurtured since Independence. And reinforced in our textbook, popular media, film etc. So the reluctance is understandable.

The unawareness of India’s participation in WW1 is even more surprising. For one thing it involved a LOT of people. Over a million Indian soldiers fought the war. Their graves dot the globe from England to Iraq. Also it indirectly affected the lives of millions of Indians back home.  Secondly, the historical legacy leaves almost nothing that needs air-brushing. Millions of Indians fought a war that, at least at the outset, had nothing to do with them. They were all picked up from their villages and hovels and hamlets and, for all practical purposes, dropped into an entirely alternate universe for the purposes of the war. The weather was terrible, the food was terrible, the military leadership was terrible, the equipment was new and the warfare was butchery of the highest order.

Yet they fought with great valour and earned tremendous respect.

 "Indian soldiers did not fight as a separate army, but alongside British units, which led to a certain amount of social interaction. These contacts were fostered by the common experience of the horrors of trench warfare. Pictured above, are the 3rd Horses regiment playing football against the 18th Lancers in July 1915, with a group of French children looking on." (Caption and picture from the online archives of the British Library.)

 “Indian soldiers did not fight as a separate army, but alongside British units, which led to a certain amount of social interaction. These contacts were fostered by the common experience of the horrors of trench warfare. Pictured above, are the 3rd Horses regiment playing football against the 18th Lancers in July 1915, with a group of French children looking on.” (Caption and picture from the online archives of the British Library.)

Earlier this year I spent a few months collecting books and research on Indian soldiers in WW1. Initially this was for the podcast. Later I was briefly in discussions with a publisher to write a short book about India during WW1. The original plan was to get it out in time for the centenary of the war next year. But then I shelved the idea when I simply ran out of time because of other projects. The research is still chilling on assorted hard drives though.

So who knows? Maybe I will revisit it in 2019 for the centenary of the Armistice.

Two of the books I enjoyed the most during the research was David Omissi’s Indian Voices of the Great War. Soldier’s Letters, 1914-1918 and Gordon Corrigan’s Sepoys In The Trenches: The Indian Corps On The Western Front 1914-15.

Omissi’s book helps to put in perspective what patriotism and national identity meant to many Indians a century ago. 

On 15th January 1915, a wounded Sikh soldier convalescing in England wrote a letter in Gurmukhi to his brother in Amritsar. From Omissi’s book:

Brother, I fell ill with pneumonia and have come away from the war. In this country it rains a great deal: always day and night it rains. So pneumonia is very rife. Now I am quite well and there is no occasion for any kind of anxiety… If any of us is wounded, or is otherwise ill, Government or someone else always treats him very kindly. Our Government takes great care of us, and we too will be loyal and fight. You must give the Government all the help it requires. Now look, you my brother, our father the King-Emperor of India needs us and any of us who refuses to help him in his need should be counted among the polluted sinners. It is our first duty to show our loyal gratitude to Government.

At least in the early stages of the war, before enthusiasm has been dampened by the meat-grinder of the front, this is a recurring theme in the letters. Many soldiers were enthusiastic, and much of this enthusiasm came from a sense of patriotism that is hard for us to make sense of a century later.

Also it is important to keep in mind that in 1914 the Indian Army was perhaps the largest volunteer army in the world. Many were poor peasants who had joined for the pay and had been coerced by hunger rather than colonial exploitation. (This would change later in the war when local administrators, especially in Punjab, were forced to meet manpower quotas and intimidated, even blackmailed many young men into enlisting. )

Corrigan’s book gives a narrative structure to the experiences encapsulated in Omissi’s letters. It starts with clashes of civilisations as shiploads of sepoys are unloaded in France and then moves onwards to their staging areas. The French, it appears, welcomed these exotic, turbanned ‘Les Hindoues’ with tres enthu. Corrigan writes:

The reception given to the Indians by the citizens of Marseilles was ecstatic…. Although the war was but two months old the number of young women in widow’s weeds was an indication of the scale of French casualties, and the Sikhs in particular were embarrassed by the number of even younger women, not in widow’s weeds, who rushed into the marching ranks to embrace and kiss them…Unloading of the ships was carried out by regimental fatigue parties assisted by French labourers, and by the time it was completed some Indian soldiers, generally natural linguists, were beginning to pick up a few words of French.

The book then goes on to paint a very detailed picture of how these sepoys fought the war, how they worked with the British officers and how they coped with the misery.

By the end of the war between 1 and 2 million Indian soldiers fought on one of the fronts.  Around 75,000 of them died. Which doesn’t seem much given that around 10 million soldiers died across both sides. But more Indians died than Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians and even Belgians–all countries that seem to do much more to commemorate their war dead than India does. 

(In fact now that I think about this… the Indian participation in the war is almost universally treated with unjustified lightness. Norman Stone’s popular short history of the war has one reference to India. John Keegan’s history has a handful but none of any great substance. However in the UK, at least, there is a growing sense of this oversight.)

I can posit many reasons for this oversight. The Indian presence on the Western Front–the one that posterity finds more sexy–was somewhat fleeting. And most Indian troops had been transferred to the Middle East by the end of the war. (Which is just as well. The mortality rates would have been immeasurably greater otherwise.)  Then there is the odd compartmentalisation of the history that is taught in our schools and accentuated in our media:

Time immemorial – 1526 AD: Ancient awesome

1526 AD – 1757 AD: Mughal mayhem

1757 AD – 1857 AD: Whiteman wankery

1857 AD: Brief hurrah starring Aamir Khan

1857 AD – 1947 AD: Resumption of whiteman wankery

1947 AD onwards – Jhingalalaho plus Sachin

Anything that does not fit into these compartments is left to fend for itself. 

Most importantly the real custodians of this history, the modern Indian republic, finds these stories somewhat troublesome to take ownership of, let alone commemorate, in a public fashion. The friend–Indian troops–of our enemy–colonial masters–is surely not our friend?

But I think we should remember these poor fellows. By any frame of reference that is cognizant of their reality, what they did was immensely brave and honourable. The dividing lines of nationality and the moral compasses of patriotism are all transient. We all like to think that we exist in static political enclosures that will always exist in glory. So did every generation before us going back centuries. They were all wrong. We will be wrong too. 

Much more permanent are the virtues of courage and honour. So perhaps we should do more to remember these chaps. They were mostly nice.

And if niceness is not Indian enough for you… then how about the sepoy’s capacity for ingenious, 100% desi jugaad?

In April 1917 soldier Mahomed Khan of the 6th Cavalry fell in love with and married a Frenchwoman. This appears to have pissed off everyone including his fellow soldiers. But most of all it upset his family. So in June 1917 he wrote a letter home explaining how he was ‘forced’ into doing this. From Omissi’s book:

I want to tell you my misfortunes. I was stationed in a village and was in a house where they were very kind to me. There was a young woman in the house and the parents were very pleased with me. She wrote to the King in London and asked permission for me to marry her and the petition came back with the King’s signature on it, granting leave. But she did all this without my knowledge. The Colonel sent for me and asked whether it was true. I said it was, and asked his leave to marry, but said I must make the girl a Muslim. The Colonel then got very angry and took away my rank of Lance Dafadar, and said he would not give me leave to get married. When this came to the girl’s ears, she sent another petition to the King and he gave leave, and said that directly the marriage was celebrated he should be informed. According to His Majesty’s order, the wedding came off on the 2nd April. There was a General Sahib and a Muslim jamedar as witnesses. But I swear to God that I did not want to marry, but after the King’s order I should have got into grave trouble if I had refused.

What nice, jugaadful boys they were. Let us remember them more. 


About the author


  • A thing worth remembering is that in a war like this the young British boys fighting it were every bit as remote from the elite governments and monarchs sending them off to fight as were those shipped in from colonies far away. The young men going off to die from Burnley or Carmarthen or Aberdeen were no more fighting their own war than those from Lahore or Ludhiana were. These young men were all victims of government exploitation, whether that was colonial or not is sort of beside the point. It wasn’t India’s war, certainly, but it wasn’t a war of the European masses either. As with most wars, it was a war fought by the masses for the petty squabbles of an elite few.

    • Every war is the result of petty squabble of the leaders. The difference is Britain chose its government led it to the war, India didn’t. And few of the British soldiers would have joined the army out of their patriotic outburst, after all, their country was at war and needed them the most. Not so much for India. Although we both are just trolling here. Most Indians truly do not know about India’s role in WWI. These facts are not in the history books when they teach us about WWI in school.

      • I agree on the whole and I’m not trying to troll. I’m certainly no defender of British colonialism. There would have been volunteers, as Sidin points out, there were some from India too early on, indeed, that’s amongst the reasons this is airbrushed out of Indian history as it shows complicity with and support for the colonial power – but those that volunteered out of patriotism/loyalty, British or Indian, did so because they were misled by their leaders as to what they were fighting to defend.

        Few prospective leaders have taking millions to war in their manifesto, so I’m not sure choice of government is much relevant here (would electing one of the other options have averted war? This was as much about centuries old monarchies as it was elected governments).

        All I am trying to say is remembrance should not just be about mourning those who died, wherever they are from, it should also be about remembering who and what caused those deaths – I don’t believe the government of the day had any greater care for young British boys they sent running mindlessly into machine gun fire than they did for the Indians. They all got screwed over equally by an elite that didn’t care.

  • Nice post, which highlighted some really long lost and forgotten parts of Indian history. Now it is time for me to pick up these threads and start reading up the Wikipedia entries on these topics. And BTW, please do write the book on the Indian participation in WW One, am sure it will make for interesting reading 🙂

  • Sidin, not sure how much of this is accurate, but I do remember a couple of points from school.

    I remember my history teacher saying that Tilak wanted independence in return for India sending soldiers to help Britain in world war 1, but that Gandhi insisted that India must do all it could to help Britain regardless. He apparently was of the belief that Britain would recognize this contribution after the war and begin talks on independence. Gandhi prevailed, and, of course, instead of independence, we had the Jalianwala Baag massacre.

    A second point that I remember reading in the textbook was that India contributed $150mn towards the war efforts.

    What part of this is attributable to embellishment, fuzzy memory, or truth, I have no idea.

  • I am very surprised when you say that participation by indians in the great war is something that people do not know. india gate ( in delhi) is a monument to commemorate this. this means people also do not know much about the monuments which are visited by so many people. you might want to write an article on this.

  • The poppy worn by all the Premier League footballers around Armistice Day intrigued me many years ago when I first started watching football on cable TV. I researched a bit and found out what it meant and what Remembrance was all about. It’s a fact of great shame that citizens of the nation which provided one of the largest contingents of WW1 (& to some extent of WW2) do not even know of such sacrifices forget about remembering sacrifices and the lives lost. Mr. Sidin, yours is the first article that I have read about the forgotten chapter of our history. Hopefully, one fine day we would fix it. When I think about it, probably, if we do observe Remembrance Day, maybe we would only do it for the soldiers this side of the border. Maybe it’s just me. Bravo for writing this.

  • I found the post far from accurate and laden with stereotypes. Consider this

    "Time immemorial – 1526 AD: Ancient awesome

    1526 AD – 1757 AD: Mughal mayhem

    1757 AD – 1857 AD: Whiteman wankery

    1857 AD: Brief hurrah starring Aamir Khan

    1857 AD – 1947 AD: Resumption of whiteman wankery

    1947 AD onwards – Jhingalalaho plus Sachin"

    Aamir Khan, Sachin et al. Do you really think that Indians know less about their own history? and Aamir Khan, Sachin form part of history narrative? May be you wanted to appear funny but you also wanted to make a point. Which is why I am not discounting you on "that was said for being funny". Sit with your grandfather, elders of village, a town and you will know that their knowledge of history is profound. Aamir, Sachin came much later, so in a way Indians had no idea of 1857 before them? Even the younger generation is very much aware of 1857 revolt. Talk to a local taxi driver of any city, talk to him about forts [if any] or any landmark, he/she will give you a great idea of the local history sans aamir/sachin. So their idea of history is at least not as stupid as you make it look like. And then I find other bits too far from accurate. Overall the post was informative, but not enlightening. I mean got references to many books, which I will now read in due course of time [Thanks for that], but disagree with your idea that Indians have such stereotypical and less enlightened view of their history. May be an image of a typical Indian that you carry in your head need to be revisited. But I do agree with the fact that Indians have NO idea of their contribution in First World War. And it is largely because of Anti-British propaganda fed into school curriculum and also the syllabus on First World War in Indian school curriculum [at my time] did not have a single chapter on India’s role in two world wars. Also, if stereotypes were added to just be funny [and not making any point of substance], then it’s all right.

  • I’d recommend Chandradhar Sharma’s short story "Usne Kaha Tha" (it’s in Hindi).

    This was the only reference I remember from my school curriculum, that mentioned Indian soldiers in WW1. I found it fascinating, especially the part where the Indian soldier realises the imposter can’t be British, because he doesn’t say "damn" in every sentence.

  • Suggest u pick up ‘ravi lancers’ by john masters. Fiction set in France, and involves a whole division sent by India to support the British. Fascinating account from the British side. Fictionalised, but well detailed.

  • I remember going to Gallipoli a few years back and being surprised at the number of Indian (mostly Muslim) names on the graves there. Indian participation in WW1 was not entirely out of ignorance. Laddie Roy, who died at 20, was India’s only ‘ace’ in the war (5 killings in the RAF), and joined for the adventure. He belonged to a wealthy Bengali family, his father being a barrister of some sort in London. Independent India’s first Air Marshal, Subroto Mukerhjee, was a descendant of Laddie Roy.

  • You have brought up two interesting points. I have always wondered about why we glossed over the collaboration of the INA with Imperial Japan. I have also read accounts on the stand made by the British Indian Army at Kohima against the Japanese. That battle was short and very savage but was the turning point in the East. In fact most of the Anglo-Indian campaign in the East and Far East is forgotten. What if the Japanese had broken through Nagaland and swept into the plains of the North? Also, why do we tend to whitewash Netaji’s truck with the Fascists? Keep it coming.

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  • Nice narrative
    Two small trivial facts, which I believe are of relevance:
    – theJapanese occupation was well known to many Indians & is fresh in the memories of those who were born before 1940; Madrasis (as do many others on the South-Eastern coastal regions of India), remember well the frequent Japanese air-raids and have related their experiences, the scrambles to safe areas, to their offspring.
    – India nowadays supports peace-keeping efforts of the UN, throughout the world, especially in Africa! In fact, India has contributed the maximum number of personnel in this effort, right from 1950!! And this is not due to any particular feeling of honour or valour!,

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  • Hi, This is not in the particular context of WW I but in the larger context of our Republic not honouring the Indians who died fighting someone else’s war in the two World Wars. Sometime back I was surprised to see this book commemorating the Indian war dead from the Italian campaign of WW II. Italy, I guess – like so many war theatres of both the WWs – is strewn with graves of Indian soldiers. Here is the link. So, I think our republic has not entirely ignored this chapter of our history, even if the effort is piecemeal.

  • Hi, this post may be a bit old. I do not know if you still keep track of the comments. From the history I remember from my school days: it did mention Indian participation in WW1. Actually Gandhiji himself took part in recruiting people and was awarded a medal (possibly Kaiser-e-hind) from the British for his contribution to the empire.

    About the Andaman occupation, I would rather call it liberation. The british were the occupying power in India. There was an Indian army fighting alongside the Japanese. If I remember correctly the Andamans were handed over to the Indian National Army (INA) and was renamed Swaraj Deep and Shaheed deep. I have not read anything about brutal occupation of Andamans by the Japanese. As far as I know the British used to run one of the most brutal penal colonies in Andamans which hosted the infamous cellular jail. But my knowledge is not very detailed. I have not read the book you mentioned. I would like to get my hand on it. Could you give me more details on it publisher, ISBN etc ? Meanwhile I would suggest the following book: "His majesties opponent" . Maybe it shall tell you something about the Indian soldiers in WW2.

  • The Indian participation in the wars seems to be the turning point regarding India’s transfer of power. The common infantry saw through British cowardice. While traditionally in India, military service was looked upon with pride, the British officers who these sepoys reported to were good-for-nothings in their own land.E,g Clive and Cornwallis. Cornwallis came to India after his US debacle singed him.So our firang nabobs were no good when it came to the battlefield.

    Once the Navy mutinied, the Brits had made up their minds that it was pack-up time.

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By sidin
