Olympics and other things.


Hello there. It has been a while. And I have so much to tell you. 

Kind of.

1. I am a tireless optimist. I don’t really know why. I think I get it from my mother. Her general approach in life was to assume everything will turn out well. Not in a karmic, ‘if destiny wills it, you will win a medal in the chariot race Sidin’ kind of way. But in a ‘take life by the scruff of its neck and waggle it about till something worthwhile pops out’ kind of way. This has rubbed off me on copiously. You couldn’t wash the smell of neck scruff out of my hands with a thousand hand sanitisers.

But this tends to drive people insane. And it often makes me look like a fool.

Around four years ago you wouldn’t have found a bigger believer in the Commonwealth Games 2010 than moi. I truly believed that the event would finally prove to the world that when India–mostly Delhi–puts its mind to something it can get it done. Even when some of the most reasonable people I know warned me that the event was going to be a stinking heap of epic fail. For instance there is the missus’s maternal uncle. Uncle is a wonderful man with the demeanour of a gentle saint but the wisdom of a man who has mysterious facial scarring. Uncle was not only convinced that the whole thing was a waste of time, but also a waste of money. He predicted, perfectly, what was going to eventually happen: thieving and douchebaggery.

But I persisted. All that is ok uncle, I said. But at least it could get people in Delhi playing sports, it could upgrade our infrastructure and it could leave a great legacy. He smiled at my naiveté and passed a small plate of Frontier atta biscuits.

He was perfectly right of course. Feel free to Google the state of the velodrome in Delhi, for instance. Utterly heartbreaking.

2. So what did I do four years later when the Olympics was due? Refusing to learn any of life’s lessons I bubbled with optimism. The Olympics were going to be awesome!

There is a reason why Monty Python’s best known song is “Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life”. England, and London in particular, is astoundingly pessimistic about things. Especially when the weather is cold and grey and awful. So in the six months or so leading up to the Olympics the papers and TV shows dripped with negativity and cynicism. The Olympics were going to be rubbish, they said. The Underground will fail, the roads will clog, the airports will collapse, the terrorists will blow up things, the weather will be shit and the events will be a shambles.

My desi friends were convinced 100% that this would be the case. Which, of course, is the recommended desi approach to large complicated projects. Where there is less faith in the collective there is more excuse for the individual.

The locals were convinced too. But there is, I feel, a slight difference between the two schools of its-all-going-to-dogs-ery. This is a personal opinion. So please don’t quote scripture or something to me prove me wrong. The approach I saw in Delhi in 2009-2010 was “It’s all going to be a massive international sham, so what is the point of it all.”  The approach I saw in London over the last 3-6 months was “It’s going to blow up in our face and expose us for the shitty little country we are, but don’t let anybody say we didn’t try.”

So they tried. And they tried splendidly. “England expects that each man will do his duty but goddamn why do we have to follow Beijing.”

Now I am not saying that the British are in way inherently capable of doing things better than Indians or Brazilians or anybody else. People, I suppose, are people. The vast majority of people I meet here just want to be left alone to get on with their lives and cope with the economic malaise. And only a few of them stroll around with walking sticks and pipes, lamenting the eclipse of empire. Exactly like back home in Thrissur.

But what I do see less of here on a day to day basis is bare-faced, inhumane assholery. Less of this than in Mumbai and Delhi, I mean. Over the last two years I’ve travelled to every major part of the British Isles except Wales. And everywhere, even in the less savoury parts of the country where they double-take on seeing a brown guy, there is a line of behaviour that the general public won’t cross. They perhaps want to deport me immediately, in their minds. But it doesn’t usually translate into action.

Maybe that is why the Olympics got along fine anyway. Because a lot of private and public people decided not to be assholes about it and pulled together. I mean volunteers were smiling all day, a heinous capital offence for a Londoner.

I thoroughly enjoyed the Olympics. Great fun to watch on TV. Great fun to watch live. When things roll out as pleasantly as it did in London it truly is a celebration of the species.

3. When did I start writing for a living? Let me see. I think it was sometime in early 2006. At the time I remember someone warning me of the repercussions of my career choices. Remember Sidin, they said, you will now play an eternal game of catch-up with your batch mates. They will make more money, see more places, eat better food and live in better homes than you. Can you deal with that?

I said yes at the time. But I really meant “Too late! Damn!”

Well I can tell you with great delight that that person was utterly and completely wrong. About most things.

I don’t make a lot of money or anything. But I earn enough to split bills with banker friends when we have dinners on the weekends.

But I have seen the Olympics and the World Badminton Championships. I have interviewed Aakash Chopra, Harsha Bhogle, Michael Phelps, Steve Waugh, Edwin Moses, Boris Becker, Nadia Comaneci and Frankie Fredericks. I have had dinner with Vijay Amritraj and Martin Scorsese. I have once carried 300 carats worth of diamonds in my hand. I have travelled to Malaysia, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Holland, France, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey and the United States. I have flown in a modern jet fighter and in a world war 2 trainer aircraft. I have been taken on a guided tour of the Louis Vuitton manufacturing facility. I have been to the Lonar crater in Maharashtra, and listened to Leo Pinto tell me all about winning the Hockey gold medal in 1948.

And I’ve eaten at 7 restaurants with at least one Michelin star.

I say all this not just so that someone will update my Wikipedia profile. Or to boast. But to just tell you that doing what you want to do in life is not always a compromise of some kind. With some hard graft and some good luck things can turn out fabulously. Don’t let people sell you that “life will be rubbish but at least you’re doing what you want to” canard. Be optimistic.

4. Of course like everybody else I have a few dozens things that India must do immediately to win gold medals at Rio 2016. Start by bribing the boxing people!

I kid. Just.

Now over the last week or so I’ve read several articles about in newspapers and on blogs about how/why/why not/when India will/will not win medals at the Olympics. Many of the guys who write these articles probably know sport much better than I do. Most of them feel about this more strongly than I do. So you should almost certainly ignore my thoughts about this.

But since you’ve come this far.

Why are we overcomplicating this issue of medals with GDP, HDI, per capita and all these other statistics? Can India afford to spend money on Olympic medals? Probably not. Can India afford to spend money on a mission to Mars? Probably not. Can India afford to spend money on cleaning up rivers or preserving our wildlife? Probably not. Will spending money on any of these things improve life in the country? Maybe.

Should India invest in these things? Absolutely. Not just because a nation needs to have something to aspire to, but because we can actually afford to.

Think about it. The mission to Mars is going to cost us Rs450 Crores. Kolkata Knight Riders is believed to have spent approximately Rs.100 crores in 2012. For just four times the cost of running KKR you can send a mission to Mars. In fact throw in a little extra money and you can send the bloody team to Mars, and replace them with Kochi.

But I digress.

Can we afford an Olympic program?

In the 15 years since Atlanta, when Team GB bombed, the British government began a series of focussed targeted investments on winning medals. Not on developing sports mind you. There was a separate budget for that. But just on winning medals. Pure and simple. They spent £740 million over 15 years. Let us do some rough math. Team GB had 554 athletes at the 2012 Olympics. Let us assume that the targeted medals program dealt with many more athletes. India trained 58 boxers to finally get 8 berths at London. A yield of approximately 1:7. So let us assume that Team GB dealt with 5 times as many, i.e. 2800 athletes

This means on average they spent around £17,700 per athlete per year. This includes everything: performance centres, coaches, support staff, supplies, overseas training. The lot. This amounts to approximately Rs15 lakhs per sportsperson per year. (Yes I am mixing capex and opex. Piss off!) In the 12 months leading up to the Olympics India spent Rs.3.57 crores on training 58 boxers. An average of Rs. 6.2 lakhs per boxer for a period of 12 months. Not bad eh?

Some points need noting. First most of the athletes who won medals for Team GB started very young. Some only picked up their sport four years ago. But let us assume that that at any given time around 2800 athletes were in the program. Also it is highly likely that the athletes had access to public sports facilities before they were identified in schools for high performance programs. And often later. However these facilities may not have been very good. As two-thirds of the medalists, when I last checked, did not go to posh public schools. Also we haven’t accounted for purchasing power parity between India and the UK. Which could change things a fair bit.

What I am trying to say is that while an Olympics program is expensive, it is by no mean unaffordable. Considering that a BCCI Grade C player already gets an annual salary of Rs25 lakhs, before other match-based fees, there are funds. There are funds aplenty.

And there is infrastructure. Delhi is brimming with facilities after the CWG. Plenty to train an elite squad of medal potentials. (Though many are almost unusable now.) The problem is not that we are poor or can’t afford it. Far, far from it. And anyone who tells you Olympics medals are only for rich countries are truly blowing smoke up your repechage.

The problem is that the system is infested with assholes with massive conflicts of interests who feed off it like leeches. From school to national level they ensure a rigid septic structure. And then conveniently use poverty and lack of funds to cover up their malice or incompetence. In fact the situation is reflective of our politics. Good people won’t join. Bad people won’t die or leave.

Unlike government, thankfully, sports does offer private initiatives.

5. Many people have told me good things about Olympic Gold Quest over the last few weeks. Not least Ayaz Memon and some other Indian journalists. Two days ago I had an idea. And had a quick chat with Viren Rasquinha and his team at OGQ. 

On Monday I completed the first draft of my third and final Dork novel. Called “Who Let The Dork Out?”, the book touches upon the goings on at a tiny little Ministry in Delhi, during a certain multinational sporting event, that is in a shambles. And who swoops in to help it but Robin ‘Einstein’ Varghese! The manuscript is being edited right now and should be out in stores by the end of this year.

But I began wondering. Given how much I tweet about the Olympics and Indian sport and bug poor Ajay Maken online, maybe I should put my money where my mouth is.

So 20% of all my proceeds from Dork 3 go to Olympic Gold Quest. Viren and team were happy to accept my small contribution. This isn’t a lot of money of course. Otherwise I would be owning Rolexes and not reviewing them. But it makes me feel nice, and hopefully it will inspire more able people with deeper pockets to chip in.

6. Why does India need a medal at all?

Because we love winners. We love successful people and forgive all their faults if they do it for the country. This is why while we know plenty about the medal possibilities at the Olympics we know nearly nothing about the also-rans who participated for India. Where do they come from? Did they have tough upbringings? Are they…gasp…from the north-east? Who is Tintu? Who is Karmakar?

We are not cricket fans. We are cricket victory fans. 

So we need winners. We need people with medals who will give our young people something to aspire to. And our parents a source of some relief when the kids come back with broken limbs and loose teeth and a C grade in biology. We need medals of all shapes and colours so that we can rise from this tendency to wallow in our misery and look up. And all the money and infrastructure in the world is nothing if nobody wants to win anything.

My point is, not a single person in the country will be worse off if you create those winners. Not one. 

But then I am an optimist.

About the author


  • Great.. u r one among who doesn’t just chat/write/rant.. but rather does his part. Brilliant read, hopefully some day we will have far better govt official and even more medal winners.

  • Every one has a role to play. It is so much easy(and a habit) to blame on infrastructure, polity and such macro issues. If we need to see India excelling in sports then it has to start with parents who needs to foster the dream and inculcate the same in their wards.  Rather than ridiculing the achievers who reached top 10 in Olympics- they need to ask themselves what have they done to help India’s cause.
    As a parent of 2 kids( one 3 and the other 6), I hope to give my kids enough exposure on the same. The more such people who can afford to do so – the better it is.

  • Awesome stuff as usual Sidin! 🙂 Such a refreshing change  from the usual pot-clanging that goes on about discontinuing cricket in order to fund other sports!

  • I know people who were awesome sportsperson and won many state and national championships and are now working in state electricity boards, railways or doing their coaching grades…Why would a good player aspire for greatness if there is nothing else fro them apart from a shot at glory every four years..  For every Saina and Sania there are thousands of good players who are 5-10% less than international quality but nevertheless invest a lot of their time in sports at the cost of an alternate career.. who grapple with a big “if” in their lives because we only celebrate the medal winners..and consign others to the dustbins of Hindu sports page columns… thats why IPL is great cos the pool of people making decent money has become 5-10 times than what was earlier, that’s why you need corporates, government and fans acknowledge sporting skills as genuine skills and pay accordingly.. its not a problem of infrastructure, politics or corruption but simple economics.. your international level atheletes makes less money than a call center flunkie and get zero recognition for their achievements. The prize money for major national sports at the top level is sometimes less than what a cricketer gets for hitting a DLF maximum.. you are showing a carrot of a medal in olympics which comes every four years, that is too much to ask from our sportperson. 

  • Why does India need a medal at all? because we need more role models, people who can inspire. Sport is not just about winning: its about losing with grace, and trying harder…Something all of us would do well to learn.

  • A lot of people criticized Sania Mirza when she couldn’t get past the second round in a grand slam. What people don’t realize is that entering the second round of a grand slam itself gets you around $36,000 which is close to 2 crore indian rupee. She might not be the best, but she was using sport as a viable career. Like the IPL showed, we need to show future sportsmen that  there is a career out there even if you cannot be the very best. But, where is that option in other sports?- Ajin

  • Loved your writing, as always. But what stayed with me the most was the statement “doing what you want to do in life is not always a compromise of some kind”. Really bothers me how we are all made to usually believe that doing things we love and doing things we “should” are invariably conflicting.

  • 🙂 You are an Olympic Gold medal winner for consultants. Yes when I will make the ‘proceeds’ they shall go where you would want them to… Best

  • i could not agree more. i know nothing about sport, the GDP, or indeed anything. but i have noticed that optimists just make more sense. at least they have a plan! and besides, “there’s got to be a pony in here somewhere!”http://www.ahajokes.com/sea13.html

  • Am posting my twitter VenuG monologue with     for the rest of you readers.
    Awesome post of yours like it to the LAST T. Wonderful writing much like Cardus and D’Mello!  
     ( Neville Cardus the cricket writer & Melville D’Mello the cricket commentator. )

    A) Your use of Oxymoronic writing on us Morons 😀 para 2 ” Now I am not saying … heinous capital offence for a Londoner. ” 

    Your twisting paragraph on Londoners takes a bit of intellect to engulf and devour. Have mercy on us low witted to be straight forward and simble 🙂

     B) “stroll around with walking sticks and pipes, lamenting the eclipse of empire. Exactly like back home in Thrissur.” Wonderful Observation of Life.

       Pray tell me what you be doing in the Thrissur Round around Wadakkunathan Temble so airly in the morning , when you should be near St Thomas Church for the morning mass ?

    C) But to just tell you that doing what you want to do in life is not always a compromise of some kind.” Exact words to a protege 🙂 

       Do what you love and you never work for a day, and even a minute effort of yours would be brilliance exemplified. Whereas if you take up a career for “package” you end up like a pet poodle, dishing out dog poo.

    Tell you what, the stage you were in 2006 is what I undergo now. Am in the process of quitting the Rat Race. Via written words 🙂

    Now this Girl is from low economic means, but is passionate about Dance. Told her drop security. take marketing. Make world your stage 

    If you travel around marketing, you could Dance around the globe, and Security means you sit in a cubby hole in Koramangala sweatshop , working for a KPO for some multinational firm who will make all the Dollars at your expense and intellect.

    The crux of the story is I read upto para 2 @ noon and read the rest immediately after my tele-con with my protege. At 21:00 hours Hence the Cardus reference

  • Post Script:   I come back to My original POV on difference between The Rahul Malhotra way & Suresh Kalmadi way

    A) Sports Administration is quite a different ball game than being a Sportseprson
    B) P T Usha may be able to produce a Tintu, but would fail utterly if she tries to be an N.K.P. Salve or Suresh Kalmadi or Viren Rasquinha or Lalit Modi or even Jagmohan Dalmia, or Mark Mascarenhas

    C) Limba Ram / Bula Chowdhury / Milkha Singh / Balbir Singh can manufacture a sportsperson for the Gold Quest, but Sire Jerry Mguires are needed to Make a Rod Tidwell score ( I googled/wikipediaed for the Tidwell double check)

    D) There would be no Kapil’s Devils w/o Salve, No IPL w/o Dalmia taking over ICC, no Virat Kohli w/o Lalit Modi.

    E) Except Cuba and China , and the Doped Eastern bloc, Russia ( Mind you these regimes are dictatorial, Only winners are from Cold countries.

    F) I’m not a racist but just check this 100 meters sprint photo finish attached, you would know genetics plays a role in current winners. Look at the colour of skin please. via 


    G) IMG etc / Nick Boltieri Academy / BAT academy / Pullela Gopichand creates winners, but BRONZE & SILVER. Gold is won by 
    i) University Sports Programme Brittain & US
    ii) Despotic countries 
    iii) Extreme Poverty and the hunger to make it rags to riches, Ethiopia, Kenya, Jamaica

    Don’t mistake my pessimism. For India to win a Gold now, We BADLY need an Olympics ( Delhi is my natural choice if you see the list of 140 countries with livability index Delhi is the TOP INDIAN city!!! ) On 5th I traversed entire Delhi thanks to DMRC from NDLS> Badarpur > Rajiv Chowk  >  Mayur Vihar > Rajiv Chowk > Rohini > Kirti Nagar > Vikaspuri > NDLS in 12 hours. Kirti Nagar to Vikaspuri with my nephew & grand niece in a car THIS TOOK GROANING 180 minutes.)

    iv) For Gold Quest for Gold can’t do a Kaddu ( Chandigarh lingo)
    v) Sports persons are available Alu ke bhav ( Again Ch’Garh lingo)
    vi) Sports Persons are made by Mr Nehwal (Saina)  @gumsumgudia:twitter   (  Sharmada Balu Tennis)   @shifaliummatt:twitter   ( Arshita Satsangee Table Tennis ) Satpal ( Sushil & Yogeshwar wrestling) parents and committed mentors. Mrs & Mr Bindra ( should I name the shooter ? ) Dedicate parents maketh a winner, Remember Mrs & Mr Amrithraj or Jenniffer & Vaes Paes ? Anyone ?
    vii) Without Kalmadi or Modi like people however corrupt they may be, or Late Rungta mind you , forget a gold.

    As regards Quest for Gold & Mittal Sports Trust Good luck to them they are doing great yeoman’s service to sport, but Gold Nyet Nyet we can say Dasvidanya to it .

    Coclusion in Gist

    1 Kalmadi’s are indispencisble
    2 To hell with Mani Shanker Aiyer ( or whatever the effing spelling is) Delhi needs an Olympics BADLY. Damn the hunger poverty Rs32 BPL Orange Hutch Onida or Videocon.
    3 Please analyse the Medal winners & others with deep background research
    a) segregate them into Medal winners
    b) upto certificate holders that is 12 fastest times or top 12
    c) below 12

    You will find > 90% coming from rural/army/services/railways background ( I know where Saina & Naragng Come from) picked up post being winners fore details listen to Saina 1000 times what she told  on Headlines today ” Sponsors and Sports Management comes once you start winning “

    You will find category a & b not backed by Sponsors or Sports management, but by fanatic sports lovers like Usha & Satpal, who groom winners to fulfil their own unchersihed dreams.

    You will find the category c) backed by MST & QFG

    The media darlings like Bindra and Vijendra what happenned to them ?
    Sania & Bhupati
    Stop Modelling & Talking to media ( NOW DON’T MAUL ME visual media is that ok :p )

    Those idiots spoil you to fail

    Jai Hind

    FYI my 1st athletic meet watched.
    ArmedForces  Sports  Board Meet Air Force Base Jodhpur 1964, I was 4 then

    I know my Alu, Kaddu and Pyaaz though it brings tears, But I Know my Onions!!!

    @sidin your article is an awesome effort hope @ajaymaken:disqus 
     reads it. 

    Brickbats welcome. SMG Helmet ready Troll me @Venuspeak:disqus  is my handle
    Rider: People know , i don’t give up like that and Douche Bags & Malhotras block me

  • Final a Man Called Mitt Romney Worked For Atlanta agoc winter games & Coke brought the Summer Games, actions of both were far from above board, and London and Seb Coe of Locog used unfair means to get the Olympics to Atlanta & London
    Everything is fair in Love, War & Now sport. To Gain Supremacy in Political Economy, sports is the 1st ladder. Study history well and you all know

    Ethic can get you IPKF and call it war against terrorism it makes sense and a lot of Crude Oil, Manganese & Iron Ore.  Yeh Ore Baat hai phir David Coleman ho, Haqqani ya Armani, bhai itni Qurbani to deni hi padti hai naa Super Power Banne Koo!!!

    Sometimes this country need Sanjay Gandhi Not Shastris & Gandhis

  • Before you get medals, ensure that no Saint Agastya Public Iskool ( Englisg Medium) opens without a playground, and ensure no place earmarked for playground becomes Maata ki Chowki, and the KV’s and Government Model High School Sarojini Nagar has a PT Sir.Trust me when I say 546 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyala’s have 2 games compulsory, would you ask Viren Rasquinha to send his scouts at their Annual Athletics Meet. I assure you he will get 3 to 5 there. Because they all are from rural background  and poor.

    The school has zero fees
    The sports kit and track suits and shoes are provided by the MHRD FREE OF COST
    Yoga, 2 sports and 2 vocations are COMPULSORY
    All the Physical Training Teachers are SAI trained.

  • Superb piece. Good On you to donate 20%. I hope the Indian Administration wakes up and smells the coffee, but even though I am also an optimist, I don’t see it happening sadly! 

  • Right to the point and superbly written.. except the part where you start writing about yourself. I get the idea, but somehow, I felt the whole piece would have been better without it. My opinion, of course.

  • Might I add that given your recent ability to run 5km in 30min, those batchmates of yours will be the ones having a tough time “catching up”. 

  • Boss well said and thank you. It is inspiring. 
    Also, personally please go for gold. Writers are torchbearers of social change and prose (I am not much of a poetry fan, but that too) is uplifting.  Go on stretch yourself, write that complex book, Dork seems to be a letdown (a successful one tho’) for having come so far. 

    Please raise the bar, too many comics around anyway. You are an optimist and so are we. 

  • Would you be willing to share the means by which you could contribute towards this program as an individual? I would like to pitch in!!

  • Ok well, I read “Dork” over the summer and I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. I mean, you’re a really good writer. Thanks to  my cousin…. he’s the one who recommended the book to me. If only I could read “God Save the Dork”……………… oh well! BTW, have any of your books recently bee out, like new ones? Thanks. Finally! I get to talk to the author of “Dork!” 🙂    Yuh-Yeah!!!!!

By sidin
