The book is nigh. Dork cometh. Full updates.


For the last several months has been suffering silently. Why? Because Dork: The Incredible Adventures of Robin ‘Einstein’ Varghese has been the cynosure of my non-office creative pursuits. Dork, as I have begun to refer to it lovingly, is the book.
The book.Yes. High fives all round.

Dork was the thing I referred to sheepishly when people asked what I’d been doing with this writing business for the last four years. “Where is your book dude?” blog readers would ask. I’d squirm and hem and haw impatiently.

You see this publishing business is slow. Slow and nerve wracking. Slow and nerve wracking and soul-draining. But it is awesome when it happens.

And now that the book is at advanced stage of completion, I think it is time we had a long talk. Sit down. Espresso? Good.

So sometime in early 2006, I decided to shed my MBA ways and become a freelance writer. I immediately started work on a manuscript. I went about it in a very mongol-like fashion. No plans, no contracts, no ideas; just long, sleepless night of typing and retyping. I made up the plot as I went along.

Four months later, in May 2006, I had a complete manuscript. And then I realized, while re-reading it for the fourth or fifth time, that it didn’t have a single joke in it. I mean it had jokes in it. But it was largely like the hygiene humour bits in the first twenty minutes of slasher movies.

Ha Ha Ha Stab. Ha Ha Stab. Ha Stab. Stab Stab Stab Stab. Nude scene.

It was not a sad book. Or a tragedy. Just that it didn’t have any joy in it.

And really, here we are all about the joy no?

Thus I decided. This would not be my first book. Maybe second. Ideally fifth. But not first. I just didn’t see it being my debut novel. (Not that I had a single publisher returning calls at the time. Not like there were editors clamouring at the door. But still.)

The book was saved away somewhere on the web. (It still doesn’t have a name. But it has a wonderful character name that I am proud of.)

I moved on from the “book project” and deflected all questions about it deftly. No point in approaching it without a plan, I told myself. Perhaps I should sell an idea to a publishing house first. Have a chat with a few commissioning editors. Draw up a chapter outline. Make a list of characters. Do what proper authors said they did in all those “books podcasts“.

Also I was quite exhausted after the first manuscript. And mildly pained that I had gone about it all wrongly.

Months passed. Maybe a year. Till a moment of epiphany happened. At the Marine Plaza Hotel, on Marine Drive, in Mumbai. More specifically, around one of the corner tables at Geoffrey’s pub.

Friends from London were down, and joining us was the great Total. Total is a dear friend and a brutal observational comic. You laugh first, understand later and break down in tears eventually.

“Dude what happened to your book da?” Total asked. I broke down in tears. I told him about the manuscript in cryogenic storage. “Machi, you should at least see if you can sell some of your blog posts as some form of anthology. And a few of your columns and all. People will buy da. Try try.” Total was incessant. So I went back home thinking: “Why not? Not everyone in the world read my blog. Some people might actually pick up a copy. Yes it was reusing free content. But wasn’t Scott Adams trying the same blog book stunt? So why not? Nothing to lose.”

Eventually I decided I’d pad the book up with 25% new content. So, in a worst case scenario, at least the few thousand blog readers would pick it up. There was wind in my sails again. The loins were girdled. I took a full print-out of the blog, every post, and the missus and I began to sit down and sort. And edit. And rewrite.

But unlike last time, this time I went with a plan. I had emailed a bunch of bloggers for publishing contacts while starting the first book. And this time decided to email all of these leads asking for advice. One of them, a prominent writer of and about books, was also now heading a new publishing house. And I knew someone who knew someone who knew her. I tugged at this network.

Prominent Writer cum publisher wrote back! “Of course we’d like to do a book with you. Your blog is good. What ideas do you have?”

Joy! Ecstacy! Celebration!

I told her about the anthology idea. She seemed excited. Not thrilled. But interested. A thick batch of edited posts and columns was shipped out. I waited. (Notice how I stopped following up with any other publisher. But then I was going through the “beggar not chooser” phase. So…)

She responded a few days later. “Like the work. Like the style. It is funny. But the format is problematic. The tone doesn’t work in an anthology format.” She suggested I try working on a fresh novel idea. A full length, new novel. Maybe based on campus culture or MBA lifestyle. What about an MBA murder mystery? That was a new one no?

After my bitter experience with the first manuscript, I was quite miffed by all this. I was just beginning to think this anthology idea was good. And that I could have the finished product in a few months time. Thinking, conceptualizing and writing a fresh novel would take so long. BUT I WANT TO BE PUBLISHED RIGHT NOW! I WANT TO SEE MY NAME IN THE IMAX WADALA CROSSWORD RIGHT NOW! WHAT IS WRONG WITH EVERYBODY IN PUBLISHING!

I mailed back Prominent Writer promising to think about her advice. I would send her a list of plot possibilities and she could tell me which ones would work. Slightly demoralized and more than a little pained, I picked up the whole blog anthology print out and sat with the missus looking for ideas for a novel.

And we saw it instantly. An old blog post that just might survive being expanded into a full novel. (NO. NOT TRAVAILS. NO. Thanks.)

The tone of this blog post was odd. The voice quirky. The premise somewhat innovative. I mailed Prominent Writer an excited email. I think, I told her, that we could pull this off. And it wasn’t that experimental, because we had proof of concept: there was this very popular series of British humour novels somewhat along this line. And then I waited.

A few days later the email came. “Let’d do this! I like the idea! We’ll pay you ___ rupees for it plus royalties. When can you deliver?”

Brain exploded with joy. Finally I was going to graduate from writer to author. Sure it was a small, low profile imprint. Not a Penguin or a Harper or a Random House. But it was a start. Some people asked me to talk to the bigger brands as well, jostle for more money. At least see if anybody else was interested in talking about the idea. I decided not to. Still begging, not choosing. “Send me the contract!” I emailed back.

A bizarre series of events happened after that. Now when I look back it seems all providential. But at the time it drove me insane.

The first draft of the contract had my address wrong. I sent it back. The second draft of the contract had my name spelt wrong. Sent it back. And the third draft of the contract had my PAN number wrong. I was livid. “How can you guys edit my whole book, if you can’t make a 10-page contract correctly? This is MY NAME goddammit!”

At which point they just fell off the radar. Prominent Writer stopped replying to emails. Her subordinates at the publishing house stopped replying to emails. Phone calls went unanswered. And I had three copies of the contract with assorted typos in my cupboard. But by then I had started work on Dork. And was pushing through a few thousand words each week. It was coming along nicely. But the deathly silence from my publisher was killing me. Not a single rupee had changed hands yet and no contract was signed. Three months later, sometime in October 2008, I realized that perhaps the project had fallen through.

My book was jinxed. Sob.

Which is when the missus made a stunning entry. Stage right. Screaming motivationally. Loving toughly. “Go talk to the other publishers good man! Take your 30,000 word long semi-manuscript and peddle it. Peddle it like your life and my future interior designing consultancy depends on it. Go go!”

So I did. All November I cleaned up the 30,000-word Dork draft and collected contacts at Penguin, Harper, Random House and so on. In December 2008, just before taking a week off to relocate to Delhi, I sent out emails to all of them:

I have this book idea. It almost got contracted with Prominent Writer. Would you guys want to have a look? Please?

Two editors, including one at Penguin I found on LinkedIn, wrote back. Send us a copy. We’d like to have a look. I did. I was very, very excited. This was Penguin and *Other Big House*. What if this worked out?

I mailed out massive PDFs and then waited patiently over the Chirstmas and New Year holidays. Meanwhile we moved to Delhi. Missus was very hopeful and optimistic. I was less so.

On the 5th of January Penguin emailed back. They liked what they saw. But what was going to happen next? How would I wrap up the story?

A flurry of emails went back and forth. A week later Penguin made an offer. I accepted. (I told you this no?) (Other Big House reverted later too. But by then I’d given my word, if not stamp paper, to Penguin.)

Three months, many sleepless nights and two re-writes later, I submitted a 70,000 word manuscript to Penguin on 30th March 2009. Just a week behind contracted schedule. There was a minor hiccup as my assigned editor quit the flightless avian. But a splendid new one came in and picked the project up very smoothly. The initial feedback was good, my editor liked the book. thought it would work well and called me over to the Penguin office in Panchsheel Park to discuss edits and corrections.

Thats what I am talking about.

In that meeting we lightly touched upon the idea of sequels. Did I see the incredible Robin Varghese sustaining more stories? Did his character have longevity? It seemed to everyone involved that the book had adequate sequel potential. In the last week of June I sent them a proposal for two sequels, to make up the Robin Varghese trilogy.

While Penguin debated the sequel ideas internally two things happened: further rewriting on the original manuscript, and I hired a literary agent to handle contracts and paperwork. (In a moment of splendid genius I lost the first cheque Penguin sent me for Book One. Not a good move. I told my agent I will do nothing but write and email. The rest, including moneys, was upto them. Mita agreed graciously.)

In October Penguin sent a proposal for Books 2 and 3. By then we also decided to call it the Dork Trilogy. Because, you know, Robin Varghese is a dork. Last month I signed 95% of the contract for the sequels. (Two pages had typos and I need to sign them separately.)

Meanwhile Dork One will go to press in another two to three weeks.

So what is Dork One about?

Dork is about offices, office culture, naive employees, one love life, two YouTube videos, thousands of ball bearings, some dogs… But most of all it is about Robin ‘Einstein’ Varghese. And ball bearings. But wait. That is too cryptic. Let me make it a little easier for you to figure out. The following image shows the 200 non-regular worlds that appear most frequently in the manuscript. Bigger size, means greater frequency. See if you can figure out what the book is about:


Now for some quick Dork facts in jaunty QnA format:

Q: Is it a campus novel?

A: No. Well there is one chapter of campus-ness. But otherwise no.

Q: Do I need to have an MBA to “get it”?

A: No. Not at all. I’ve checked. High school education is sufficient but not necessary.

Q: How many pages does it have?

A: Around 240 I think. In nice readable font. Some white spaces here and there.

Q: So this is definitely auto-biographical right?

A: 60% of what happens in Dork is based on things I’ve seen or heard about. The rest is made up. Crazy shit.

Q: When do we get to buy it?

A: Last week of January 2010. Delhi first. I think.

Q: How much will it cost?

A: Secret. But cheap enough to not buy it from a traffic signal. I hope. No, but quite cheap.

Q: How many ball bearings are in it?

A: Thousands. Maybe millions. I stopped counting at one point. They are critical to the plot.

Q: There is a plot?

A: Good question. Maybe.

Q: I’ve never read your blog. Are there lots of in-jokes?

A: Welcome. No. There aren’t any in-jokes you won’t get. But blog regulars will know when they are getting a hat-tip or two. Irrelevant to plot.

Q: And when does Dork Two and Dork Three come out?

A: Don’t know yet. But in gaps of 9-12 months I think. I’ve started work.

Q: I live abroad. I want to buy Dork. Will I be able to?

A: I think so. Penguin is doing something. Fingers crossed.

Q: You’ve already sold movie rights haven’t you?

A: Nope. Not yet. Interested?

Q: Office culture?! Means no sex or violence?

A: Little bits of both. But nothing to scare the kids away. Except the language. There is bad language.

Q: I know a friend’s friend called Robin Varghese…

A: Not based on him.

Q: But he is a real dork…

A: Not based on him.

Q: But he also works in an office…

A: Stop it Robin.

Q: Wait. What does “Dork” really mean?

A: A quirky, naive, socially inept person. Not unintelligent. Just a little odd. Out of touch.

Q: So you’ve started giving interviews, releasing excerpts and all?

A: Soon. I had to start with a detailed note on first no? International media splurge is being planned. Perhaps FIFA 2010 World Cup sponsorship. Imagine.

Q: How do you pronounce Dufresne?

A: Doo-frayne

Q: Cover design?

A: Yet to be finalized. The general idea is to go minimalist.

Q: Nervous?

A: Shitting bricks man.

Q: Any message for your blog readers?

A: You guys made it happen. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you.

About the author


  • congratulations on the book
    good to know you didn't stop after your heart was broken
    and your missus did a wonderful job to inspire you… congratulations to her, too

  • Well done, very bloody well done! You do know that your regulars feel maternally proud of you, ja?
    Will pick up 'Dork' for sure (as European sports stars like saying), and will gift to friends generously. Bestseller at least! *slaps thigh*
    Cheers, congratulations, and say don't forget to say thank you to the missus. Maybe with diamonds…:)
    For your sequels, you're coming to Kashmir to work on them in the bosom of nature, in peace and solitude. Done.

    • Sabbah Sabbah!

      Thank you indeed. Yes quite a family the whatay people are. Sob.

      The missus has been clamouring to go to Kashmir for weeks. Maybe we will.
      And Maybe I can use it as a base to write. Do you have a nice place I could
      work out of?

  • Awesome introduction to your upcoming trilogy 🙂
    I like the way you told your story and didnt just try to sell it. (are you gonna tour the country Landamark to Crossword and hold book reading sessions?)
    Plus, Robin seems nice. yes, already.

    Psst – I miss Pastrami. Is he there in Dork? or *gasp* ishe Dork???!!!

  • Congratulations and all the best for your books. I am sure they will be great successes and may be win an award or 2 ( booker or trucker ) in the process.
    But in all seriousness all the best. It must have been proud moment for you and your family when you saw the book in its final form.

    It would be wonderful if you could give a glimpse of your writing process, how you toil and how much of the hard work it was?



  • Your colleague, Blessy, sent me the link to this page. Congrats on the book's being published by Penguin. I like that the book is about a naive, socially inept person. Makes it relevant. Like the humour in your writing too. Look forward to reading it! All the best.

  • Superb stuff, Sidin. Cannot say how happy I am for you and the Indian blogosphere. Can't wait to pick up my copy. Power to the Mallus!

  • Never commented before! Please give it a PAN India release! It should be made into a movie for sure! All the best and hope to catch up with your book soon!

  • Sidin,
    Long time fan of your writing – first time commentator!
    Can't wait for the book – after such an interesting background who wouldn't:-)
    Keep the udpates coming in!

  • Sidin,
    Long time fan of your writing – first time commentator!
    Can't wait for the book – after such an interesting background who wouldn't:-)
    Keep the udpates coming in!

  • Sidin,
    Have been a regular follower of your blogs for the last 4-5 years. Best of luck for your debut Novel, hope its released in USA!
    It would be great if you share more experiences about how you went through this whole process !


  • Sidin,
    Have been a regular follower of your blogs for the last 4-5 years. Best of luck for your debut Novel, hope its released in USA!
    It would be great if you share more experiences about how you went through this whole process !



    “Q: I live abroad. I want to buy Dork. Will I be able to?
    A: I think so. Penguin is doing something. Fingers crossed.”

    Can I have an autographed copy as well 😉

    Congrats Sidin….waiting for the book 🙂

  • Dork Knight FTW!!! …Well done mate :-).. And for all the hours of toil you put in to make this world slightly more weird and funny, kindly do accept 15 litres of Doolally's finest as a small token of appreciation!… You can redeem this anytime in the next 10 years ;-)..congrats once again!!!

  • formal congratulations to you the missus and you…take her to Kashmir now!! now!! now!! shall make sure Dork reaches Crosswords hot selling to all time fav book to bookers to the nobel prize (last stage may take more than 9 months though)

    no pastrami in the cluster… 🙁 under an alias perhaps? hmmmm

  • Congratulations and good luck! Will make sure I and everyone I know buy a copy and anyone spotted buying copies at traffic lights will be sued all the way to hell! Grr!

  • Congratulations Sidin…can't wait to grab a copy…do keep us updated about where we can buy a copy of “Dork” online/in bookstores abroad !!

    Good luck!!

  • Been the blog reader for long. Was checking up in between to see news of your book ..

    Q: How much will it cost?
    A: Secret. But cheap enough to not buy it from a traffic signal. I hope. No, but quite cheap.

    Will not pick from signal seller but also wouldnt that be the trophy of bestseller status ? made it big in publishing world ?

    Best of luck..

  • Congratulations Sidin ! Being an avid reader of your blog was really mad at you for not updating this blog more often. I hope the book makes up for it :D. Waiting to buy your book.

  • Sidin!! The moment you mentioned it wasn't Travails, I was praying it was Kujumbinana! (Nope I can never forget that name). I'm one of the few (alright many) to have followed your blog from the pre-Travails days.
    Looking forward to the book and the sequels. All the best 🙂

    • Giri! I have had to censor your comments for security purposes! Please excuse. Contractual obligations.

      But boy, are you sharp…

      • Hehehee, I got it too… If its not travail, its GOT to be ********** — I will not let YOU sidin censor me… So I do it myself… For the veterans of the blog, its a joy and a prayer answered that you should announce the release of the book man! You have made us wait faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar too long for it… And yeah, plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeee make the penguins release the book overseas… There are a few unfortunate worshippers of Sidin who have, in the support of the Theory of Continental Drift, slowly moved to other parts of the world.
        And and and – Now that the book is out on the stands and out of your mind, will you please get your honorable posterior on the chair and type more IN THE BLOGOSPHERE. Or have 2 and 3 parts already occupied the precincts of your creative mind?!??!
        P.S: The answer to the above question decide whether or not I part with my measly bucks to buy the book :))))
        P.P.S: I agree with the commentor above – After all that Mumbai did for you, you release the book first in Delli??!?!? TRAITOR!
        P.P.P.S: I will pray for the book's great sucess, guy!!! May you be the next Chetan Bhagat!!! Or maybe – bigger and even better! A mix of Bhagat and Arindam Chaudhari maybe (ok, cudnt resist that one! :)) Sorry!!!)

        • I was waiting for the traitor word to make an appearance 🙂
          But the heart is with Mumbai I promise… I'll try enjoy the Delhi launch as little as possible…

      • Heya there Sidin. Long time reader, but commenting first time. Though you have censored poor Giri's comments, isn't it a dead give-away…. Just searching the tell-tale words on your search widget would blow up the cover!! (Yup, that's what I did, and hey, I find it actually piqued my interest further for the book.So…)

        Good luck Sid… way to go! And pray blog more often now…. Or should we beg on our knees or something?

  • Awesome…………..finally your book is coming……no need to be nervous….the readers of ur blogs are enough to give publicity as it is……so sidin saare don't worry….all the best.

  • All the best for Dork (love the name). Am sure it will be a fabulous success. Will scour the Delhi bookshops in the last week of January. Or will possibly have to beat off crowds of fans to get at a copy. Hopefully, it will be the latter 🙂

  • Hey Sidin,
    You and GB are the two top bloggers that I follow regularly and have been eagerly waiting for your books to hit the stalls.
    Congrats on the accomplishment of your long cherished dream! Try convincing Penguin to keep the price low, since we are all accustomed of reading your blogs for free 😉
    Best wishes.

  • Hey Sidin..
    Having been a regular reader of your blog, i was indeed waiting for your book. It will surely turn out to be a best seller. Wish you all the best 🙂

  • Fantastic!! Triple delight in store.
    I've been a long time fan sidin, and i remember the blog about mba and the ball bearings, one of the best, don't know if it has anything to do with the book(s). And yes, i do miss pastrami as well.

    Great News Sidin. somehow feel very very proud of you.
    Cheers and Good luck with the book.
    Pls. do post when and where it's going to be out in delhi.

  • Fantastic!! Triple delight in store.
    I've been a long time fan sidin, and i remember the blog about mba and the ball bearings, one of the best, don't know if it has anything to do with the book(s). And yes, i do miss pastrami as well.

    Great News Sidin. somehow feel very very proud of you.
    Cheers and Good luck with the book.
    Pls. do post when and where it's going to be out in delhi.

    • Thank you Anand. I have, of course, edited out the obvious connection you wrote. Forgive! And do drop at the first possible reading opportunity.

  • All the very best for the novel Sidin. I am sure it would be even more humorous than the blog – what with pent up humor for the last year or so when your blog posts were lesser 🙂

  • Ungrateful wretch!
    Mumbai gives you the inspiration, encouragement, ambience and even the booze that went into writing Dork.
    And Dork comes out in Delhi first?

  • I'm a regular reader of your blog.
    Never seen the quality/kind of humour you bring out in your blogs elsewhere. I just love it. Now, with a storyline (or the lack of it, as you've remarked), I presume the humour will only get better in the book.
    Looking forward to it. All the best.

      • Got the book today (complete with your 'difficult-to-copy' signature). Liked it instantly. The 'back page comments' is a new style, which according to me you should register as a trade-mark. “SRK's dentist's accountant” (LOL)

  • I have been waiting for this book eva since u told me in 2003 !!! i will buy one for sure !! yes the new one 🙂 congratsss bro !!


  • Been waiting ages and AGES!! Decided to buy it AGES ago. Pls tell us when you will do the book launch in Delhi – must come and see you and get it autographed, no? Please? 🙂

  • For a minute I actually thought why 'Flag' has put in so many comments?!

    <meekly> Do I qualify for a signed copy now? </meekly>

  • For a minute I actually thought why 'Flag' has put in so many comments?!

    <meekly> Do I qualify for a signed copy now? </meekly>

  • Congratulations, Sidin! Have been following your blog regularly (but not commenting) 🙂 Will definitely pick up your book (not at traffic signals) 😛

  • Hurrah hurrah, the book cometh *Fold of the mund, twirl of the meesha, slap on the tohda*… Power to the mallus
    Already celebrating by distributing the black “Permanent Artery Lining” haluva to all around.

    PS: how do I get my hands on a autographed copy???

  • Hey Sidin,
    Really looking forward to the DORK …but tell me something is youtube gonna give you something for the publicity?!?!? After all the world is gonna read your book and YOUTUBE is gonna be famous..after all the 2 videos are from Youtube !
    Cant wait to grab my copy of the book and start reading! Keep writing, blogging, tweeting, humoring !! All the best !

  • Hi Sidin…….if its a DORK..i ll have two 'o 'em atleast !
    😉 All the very best with the endeavour..its sure gonna be a HIT !! thing you know
    you may be in BOLLYWOOD !! 😉

  • Aliyah!
    Whatay wonderful news this is!

    All the best for your book, am real proud of you. I hope you'll have a book unveiling session in namma singara Chennai. I'll take time off from work to come to the session 😉


  • I am a regualr at ur blog but hv been out of touch for a while.logged in to see if there were any deatils of the book….was joyus to read its less than a month away…
    cant wait to get my hands on a copy!!!

  • Yipppeeeee. You are one of the few bloggers whom i have been following. and hats off. Your writing style is quite down to earth Everytime I read you I seem to forget all my tensions.Bou do you tickle my laughing cords?????? read your article on cricinfo Page 2 “From filthy to fabulous….” and as usual couldnt stop smiling. Eagerly waiting for your book.

  • Congrats Sidin! Am a fan of your writing. Looking forward to grabbing a copy and laughing like a madman. (my usual reaction to your blog posts)

  • congrats, man!! from the bottom of my jealous heart!! will look for it at the bookstores, and will buy it, not read one chapter at a time per visit!!

  • me is a regular reader but my first time in the comments section!!!
    Wishing you the very best for your book :))
    I want my copy autographed!!
    Any idea when the book will be out in bengalooru?

  • Hey Sidin, awesomeness… You know, you're one of the first bloggers I read and it all started with the amazingly comical post you wrote about India's awesome cricketers. I remember, I copied it and made a forward out of it, put in your link and send it to everyone I knew.

    I read Amit Verma's My Friend Sancho and loved his brand of humour. I'll definitely buy Dork 🙂 coz. I love your brand of humour as well.

    Good luck

    And this is an awesome post as well. I'll save it in my folders somewhere so that I know exactly what to do if I do become as popular and literally brilliant as you.

  • im seriously daft.. how exactly do i go about subscribing to your blog and quit being a damn 'guest!?.. like be a premium member or somethin so that Im aware of every post this blog has..?

    i just found out about this blog a day ago..and hence the enthusiasm is unbridled.

  • i think i figured out.. grin!

    p.s cant wait for ur book to come out sidin! have already told all my friends ( the ones who like to go near a book atleast )about it.. excited!

  • Super. Thanks for getting the guys to offer a discount and get them to sell signed copies. You just made my day. Hey Sidin, or should we now call you E.Dork – your blog site takes too long to load. Check it out man!

  • Hi Sidin,
    Have been silently following your blog for the last few years. I think today is good time to make my first comment. Congratulations on the book.. will defintiely pick it up.YOur enthu… your mojo…is what makes your writing so endearing… keep it that way. All the best.

  • Would Penguin be so kind to ship my copy to Singapore? Is there some such arrangement planned? Is there a link that'll be active once the book's out for online orders? I'm one of the relative newbies to this blog (I'm guessing anyone following this blog for less than a year qualifies as a newbie?) and I think you kick Floyd level ass ('re not one of 'us' :P) with your very erudite Indian humour. And yes, Congrats. Atleast one of us made it out of (lava-in-my-ears-vapourising-my-brain) corporate hell.

  • Sidin,
    Following your blog regularly.First post to wish you congrats! Really looking forward for the book.
    Have enjoyed your sense of humour right from one of your first JAMs I attended @ RECT.

    Please keep going!! We need more.

  • Finally!!

    I almost thought you had given up on the book 🙂
    Glad to know its coming out soon.

    Waiting anxiously for it!!

  • Done done done!!
    ” Here is the summary of your order (ID: *************) at

    Items Ordered:
    Dork: The Incredible Adventures Of Robin 'einstein' Varghese by Sidin Vadukut (1 copy) – Expected time of delivery: Will be shipped when releases.

  • First read about Dork in Mint Lounge. Made 'The Incredible Adventures of Robin Einstein Varghese' my status message on Facebook that very morning, before heading out for work (Yes, work on Saturdays!), to be the first one in my circle to have picked up on it! Looking forward to the trilogy. And, loved the bit on 'How to write a first book?' in Lounge. Thanks!

  • So Sidin are you the first Mallu MBA writer to be published in English then ? Will you stop saying things like “I'm looking for a GOT” at the meat market, once you get all rich and famous ??

  • Hi Sidin, Ordered 4 days back at – looking forward to the book. When will these guys ship you think? Waiting, Waiting…

  • Hey Sidin,

    Great going..have been enjoying your blogs for a long while and eager about Dork.

    I hope there is enough of your Sidinesque humour and wit (I cant ever forget the Vasectomy Vasudevan bowled doosra at a Trichur turf!!!! rofl) in the book.

    Wish you the very best

  • So I got the book by Flipkart pre-order this afternoon.. and what do you know.. its signed!…. nice touch… am reading it.. am on page 35.. so far I like what I read… a lot… don't sell the movie rights to Vidhu Vinod Chopra and co!

  • hi…went to pick your book but Landmark Chennai does not have it and does not expect to receive it soon either. Boo Hoo……….

  • Hey Sidin
    Dork was the first book i pre-ordered in my 34 years of existence and I promptly got the book delivered by flipkart on 03 Feb…Literally i didnt feel like keeping the book down…(Of course i was hurled abuses by my Missus and parents….what the heck r u reading?)..
    I guess u have all the potential of becoming a Scott Adams of India (In fact better since “Einstein” have to be really created in the readers mind) Gud luck to u and hoping for fast sequels…
    BTW this is my first visit to the blog…i am ur regular reader of cubicle nama in Mint….Have to browse thru the blog..

  • Hey Siddin – The thumb in the scroll bar is getting smaller and a non-alert reader may relate the size with the length of the post, so you may want to show only last x comments (WP has this feature). A friend picked this book and guided me here, read this post. All the best. Inspirational so far.

    You are going to be very busy for a long time but if you need travel ideas, probably ghumakkar might have some relevant contact, which I sort of run. (Some part of my comment is definitely a ploy to insert my link but that was definitely not the intent behind fist key-punch.

    All the best man.

  • Dude!!!! Got it finally and managed to finish it in two days flat !!!! Nice, pacy, typical Sidinesqe flavor… Waiting fr the next one. All the best!!!

  • hey sidin…. i love ur blogs… howeva… the book's sort of incomplete ………. i loved the character, einstein, but every part in the book was incomplate… ntn finished… the reviews for the book said it was for workin ppl…. there's hardly anyting different or smthn bout office culture that has not been already said…. infact its quite similiar to the office culture described by chetan bhagat in 2 states…….. the similarities btw u 2 is d frist thing that comes to mind and now the book too………. may be two books shld be released at once..however, the good part is that it still has left me curious n i'll pik up the next book.. hope its soon b4 d curiosity dies….cheers

  • Sidin, have been and continue to be a great fan of your blog, and had pre-ordered 2 copies of Dork (thanks for the autographed copies from Indiaplaza) and finished it within 5 hours of receiving it. Maybe I built up the book too much in my mind (being mallu myself), so honestly, it wasn't as great as I hoped it would be. Not that it was bad, but I thought that you could have done better with the characters and the story itself. I used to delve into a little bit of amateur theatre and still love watching plays, the first things which popped into my mind whilst reading it was that many scenes, individually or together, can easily be adapted into short funny plays. You never know! Anyway, since I have never commented on the blogs (mostly because I loved them all), I thought I should let you know what I honestly felt. Cheers, and shall definitely be looking forward to the next 2, and shall pray that you do exactly what the Wachowski brothers should have done.

  • hey, been a regular reader of ur blog for years… tht small little break from work…never commented coz i dont want NEONE to know tht i'm taking tht break. but loved all of it. preordered the book (first time ever) on flipkart (realised only later tht the indiaplaza books would be autographed). was glad tht flipkart also sent autographed books.thanks. loved the book.the “diary entry” style is nice and new (if u dont count Ms.Frank). one doubt though… i have a feeling tht i got every joke in there coz i'm a mallu & an MBA. have passed on the book to my sister who is a lawyer to see if my doubt is genuine. it was a very pleasant read for 10 days (tht's how long it takes to read a 240 page book when u have a 16 month old at home). Congratulations. looking forward to the next one.

  • Ordered book through and got it in 2 days, thanks. The book was really nice. Now waiting for the next one, when is it coming out?

  • Dork was a nice read !
    I am a reverse reader fan – I read your book first, and then came to realise that you are such an excellent blogger !
    At first I was genuinely “jealous” at how you made a book out of such a on-ground topic – any of us MBAs could have written that, but missed it types 🙂 But, sorry, and <bow> multiple times to the persistence and long years of waiting !!
    All the best for all future endeavours !

  • After a long painful and irritating wait, I read through the first of the Dork Trilogy. It was good. But Sidinnnnnnnnn Are you listening… it could be better. It doesnt have that zing of your blogs. Maybe because its difficult to carry that kind of zing through some 200 odd pages……….. But really nice read. Waiting for the next.

  • Sidin,
    First things first. Congrats on your first book and thanks for the signed copy. I've been a regular reader of your blogs, so I would take the liberty of putting my 2 cents.
    The book was a good read most of the time, but it did have its share of being called “brilliant” as well as “mediocre” at quite a few places. The gory details of the office presentations and corporate culture did make it boring at times and the original intent of the humor was being lost there. We do get those regular doses in your livemint cubiclenama, so few things can be skipped in the coming sequels. I am sure you would give us even better sequel of Dork. Robin Einstein is well on its course to become India's Dilbert 🙂

    Congratulations on your hard work and a nice book, but whatay is best anytime!

  • Got Dork delivered by Landmark yesterday, read it in one sitting. Its really funny and made me like Einstein even though he's a bit of a bastard 🙂 I feel you're what Chetan Bhagat thinks he is(And I don't mean that in a bad way).

  • Hi Sidin,

    Posting here for the 1st time… ur blog…completely…
    Ur book…not so much…
    Also….Einstein's life doesnt have weekends??? i actually went an checked the calendar for may (2006) atleast…..he workin on weekends too….an oversight?? or a teaser???

  • Amazing read… Book was very interesting to read page by page… First time I did not feel like keeping the book down… First book that I have read within a day….Hurrayyy…. Sidin your DORK ROCKS man…keep it up and make it even funnier.

  • Hey Sidin

    Read your book ! Excellent Book…When is the next one due.Want to reserve a copy right now …..Apart from William Dalrymple what else inspired you to right the book ?

    P.S It got a little boring though through the bearings part.But the CNBC incident compensated for it.


  • Dork, place your book along with GOD ( of small things ).. the worst two bits of Indian writing in a long time…She tripped on inane allegory and you on inane One liners.. stick to texting.. works there.How does one copy Penguin on this ? and more importantly, any hope of recovery on the 199 I spent.. willing to take a 199 % discount, almost BRAND NEW condition. Meanwhile wish you all the best with juvenile readers(juvenile Penguin already conquered),and hope you get juvenile juries for thePulitzer and Nobel !

  • sexy book…makes you laugh..nothing else..i picked this book after i finished an interview…i was kindof in a happy mood..i do not regret it at all..hope the next one in the series comes soon…is there a next one..?

      • hey sidin
        i will be waiting for the next one..please try to bring that one soon. .keep searching for disks under the sink…and also my interview went well. i got appointed.:)

  • Dork, apology, retraction, tail between legs, drink my puke. Can see what happened now.. hot juvenile Penguin ed read 50 pages and bought it, and chucked it to old fogey ed who rewrote it after page 100. All in all VERY nice.. ask Penguin to Reprice @ $ 19.99, hardback with embossed foliage on cover. SH*t.will now have to read another 50 pages of Arundhati's bilge to recheck if was wrong there too.

  • Yes.. unless you keep rubbing it in and will have to retract again..Meanwhile all the best with sales..(done my bit with posting on facebook -should be good for about 12 copies).. BUT meanwhile , before you do any deal with Hirani, gall Jeydn Bagad.. and no way use his zudj maddrs you are right,Daely Jurizdigshn is best..

  • Awesome Book!
    Read something so funny after quite a while.
    You Rock, started following your blog.
    Waiting for Part 2 eagerly.

  • Just finished reading Dork.
    Was searching for it in Airport bookstalls for quite some days, finally laid my hands on it.
    It just rocks!!
    Can't wait for the sequels!!

  • Sorry for being a little nasty, but why does Dork end so abruptly, and well, kinda… lame?

    *waits for the bricks, flames, etc.*

    Almost felt as if you wanted to finish it off! 🙁


  • Dork (Part 1) over. I say Part 1 because that's the way business works. Even an anti-everything like you has to succumb.

    Now I know what's on the mind of a (big city-nit t- iim a-god knows which consulting) types. Every one else is like a thick seal sliding over arctic wasteland. I am really smart because I can tell the difference between espresso and capuccino and also beacuse my girl shares my interest in bondage and threesomes. Consulting is in safe hands. Hey man, you just wrote a great piece of contemporary shit. I wonder… how many Prasads and Santanams are out there, and if Wiki ever shuts down… I shudder to think of the consequences…. men in black suits falling off tall buildings….terrible.

  • Nice first attempt! Ending was a bit tame and too abrupt.

    Shades of Nury Vittachi. Love the style. Look forward to the Mint Column.

  • Completed your book in one sitting, while passing time at a hospital. It was hard to suppress guffaws in public. The book is a welcome addition to my library, and for my borrower friends too! Eagerly anticipating the rest of the books in the series.

    The last interview rocked. All the references to Youtube, office situations, the campus placement, and the ball bearing episode. The book transforms from intelligent, to probably 'dorky', seamlessly, and the reader has no reason to complain. A perfect debut, Mr Vadukut. Or shall I say, Take a bow, Einstein..

  • Dear einstein were geese's diary,
    I didn't find you under the kitchen sink, but I finally got my hands on you. I am halfway there. Funny and not a bad first attempt. Will keep reading and update later. Adi poli!

  • Hi, Liked the book. just one question why does gouri have to stay in a 1BHK in khar when her parents stay in vashi?

  • read the book dork. liked it. family overjoyed as psychiatrist told them that this is a good sign, my straying away from general murderous themes. seriously though nice job.

  • Hi Sidin,

    The 1st thing i'm doing this morning is, writing this comment onto your blog or a site whatever you like to call it!!! I had a wonderful read last night. It took me a 4 days to finish your book coz i had to find some reading time form my not so busy schedule (basically i'm lazy) lol. i had been suggested to read dis book by one of my friend. 1st 2 days i wasn't much into it. But third day i found something interesting in the character Mr Robin or may be your writing style and realised that your book is a excellent page turner. I would definitely suggest it to my friends.

    May your Dorky character become a heartthrob of millions!!!! eagerly waiting for the next 2 sequels.

    I'm just a small time blogger who dreams big. Hope your book gives me some inspiration. 😛


    Shrijit Nair
    a.k.a DuDo

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  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

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  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article's content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites won’t let you down.

  • hi i picked up the the “authors note” and was like..this is goin to be one hell of a read. well i did enjoy it..but no where near what i had imagined..the only places i really enjoyed were ..” .786 ball bearings cudnot be ordered” and wen he mssgs ” i will start loving you” plus some places here and der…if i hadnt read the authors note first..i wud have well liked d book..but you took the expectation very high..hopefully the sequels..will leave me “rofl”. all the best..

  • Hello Sidin,

    Have followed your blog on and off since the time you quit your job and all that.

    Read the book in the last two days.

    Congrats on the first book. At first I thought it was a cliched book which talks about the MBA frustrated with job types.

    But by the time I got to the last 50 pages, it was a clear winner. With another 2 left in the triology you might have just created a Senior ” Swami” from our very own Malgudi. The character building in the last 50 pages ( Interview ) is perfect. Was giggling away to glory sitting in a crowded train in Tokyo :-).

    Looking forward to the next one.

    All the best.


  •  its really good book and quite interest of me. I think its second sequel is also available now

By sidin
